Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Leverage: Riding Off The Rails On A Crazy Train

If you have not seen Leverage it is a show about a former Insurance Agent named Nate Ford (Timothy Hutton) who leads a team of criminals that con the rich to give back to the poor. Out of the 12 episodes that made up the first season 11 of them featured a highly impressive con that kept myself as a viewer guessing til the end. The 12th episode did not work for me because it revolved around landing a 747 on a bridge which was made even more corny by the event being performed using terrible CGI. However the season worked because all the cons where wrapped nicely around a dramatic story arc where Nate takes revenge on his former insurance company for failing to save his dying son's life. With the current season Leverage took a new turn by the writers removing a dramatic story arc and just focusing on individual cons lined up with a season long B story that focuses on a romance between Nate and one of the criminals on his team a grifter named Sophie (Gina Bellman).

Nate and Sophie, the center of the romance on Leverage.

Unfortunately as the season has progressed it has become more difficult for the writers to draw a conclusion to each weeks con. I mean it has gotten to the point that after all of his planning the success of a con came down to just asking a woman if she was color blind. On top of that the writers fizzled out the romance between Nate and Sophie by having her leave the team. Although the writers are attempting to make the show more interesting by having a new criminal, Tara (Jeri Ryan known as Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager) join the team.

From Android to Con Artist, Jeri Ryan joins the cast of Leverage.

She is portrayed as a character who only wants to help the poor as long as she gets paid setting up a conflict between Nate and the rest of his team. However this conflict is not as powerful as Nate avenging his sons death meaning Leverage might be headed for its last con.


Unknown said...

Solid, well-balanced, easily and enjoyably read post.

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